HERTU Investment is a company established on 23rd November 2015, with registration no. 402546 among other investments HERTU Investment engaged in agribusiness projects; producing Mushrooms, fruits, vegetables and keeping local/indigenous chickens.
Currently, HERTU Investment run an agribusiness project called Hertu Farms in which we represent our commitment to investment in sustainable agribusiness; considering the social, cultural, economic and environmental implications of agricultural production and adapt practical and ethical approaches towards maximizing the business aspect of agricultural production and ensure that agricultural production is carried out in a sustainable way, providing jobs, poverty alleviation, and food security and conducted responsibly across the agro-allied business chain, while mainstreaming good environmental best practices.
We look beyond food production, but rather, explore sustainable ways through which agricultural activities can support the long term growth and competiveness of Tanzania and globally.
We also devoted in empowering youth and women socially and economically in Tanzania, by integrating them in entrepreneurship; and provision entrepreneurial skills and education; planning, designing, developing and implementing various social and economic projects; mentoring, counseling, consultation and other Business Development Services (BDS). The organization has also been offering career guidance, life skills transformation, problem solving techniques and business coaching services.
To be the leading producer of sustainable products, a one stop business development service provider and a learning centre on sustainable agribusiness
To engage in sustainable agribusiness which produces natural and health products while protecting environment and helping the community.
The achievements we obtained are nothing rather than
providing better services and products to our most
beloved clients.
Hertu Investment we say more effort,
more work and more skill to reach our goals as a team